Clever Keyboard Smartfish Engage Ready Fit Shape With Your Finger Position

 Your fingers are tired from too much typing? Smartfish present trying to entertain you with a keyboard Engage K2418B Compact models are bundled together ErgoMotion technology. The keyboard on this one is a smart keyboard the first time there, which is capable mencengah keyboard you get bored or tired when typing.

Keyboard, developed by Intelligent-motion technology can track the activity your typing movements and could periodically change the shape itself in accordance with a comfortable typing position for you, so your hand is not limited by the usual form of a flat keyboard that you had before.

The keyboard is also directly monitor the frequency you type and check when to change his own position. You imagine that the keyboard on this one can be quite flexible and supple in accordance with the contour of your pressure position. Currently Engage Smartfish keyboard can be used on Windows operating systems XP, Vista and Windows 7. If you are interested to have it, the keyboard is priced with a price range of 139 USD (1.39 million dollars) and is now available at Amazo

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