Windows 7 Phone Has Own Approaching 3000 15 000 Developer and Application & Game

Microsoft revealed on Tuesday that they now have more than 15,000 developers registered for the Windows platform Phone 7. Windows 7 Phone Number developers has increased about 80% since September. The software giant has revealed that they already have 13,000 developers earlier this month and final figures showed an increase of 15% in November alone. Developer adds a large number of applications as well. Microsoft currently has nearly 2,500 applications in the Marketplace and said it was on target for a number of 3,000 in the final weeks.

"Obviously we're just warming" said Todd Brix, Group Product Planner for Mobile and Embedded Devices Division at Microsoft. Brix, wrote in a blog post the company, explained that the holiday season is the main focal point for Microsoft. "We know that many developers Windows 7 Phone've been trying hard to ensure that their applications and games already available on Windows Phone Marketplace this holiday season ... We're heading to one of the biggest shopping weeks this year and we are on pace to offer about 3,000 applications and game at the end of this week, "says Brix.
Microsoft outlines there are several ways to promote applications and games. First is the listing Phone Games and Apps Windows 7 at Bing Visual Search. This list allows users to search and browse all Windows applications or games available Phone 7. The software giant is also using the Xbox 360 to promote Windows 7 Phone on the Xbox dashboard. Apart from traditional marketing and advertising campaign, Microsoft also uses the website to promote the company's latest OS. Brix says this is only an example of Microsoft's work to do and that we will see more soon:
"We will continue to generate more visibility in the marketplace over the entire screen that people rely on throughout their lives everyday. Developers and the applications they create is central to experience Windows 7 Phone and we do our best to show that Windows 7 Phone featuring a large list of quality applications that take advantage of unique mobile features to broaden the mobile experience. "(Via

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