Apple Rejecting Applications Sony Reader

Apple as a company that produces Ipad and Iphone that already has many users would certainly be a profitable partnership. Recently, Sony has asked Apple to cooperate by offering its application in the form of the Sony Reader for IOS to be marketed through the Apple App store. However cooperation urung happen it is because parties Apple reject marketed content paid who not through Apple own.


It certainly gives the implication on Amazon Kindle. As the owner of a famous reader application, via the Amazon Kindle Amazon has been working with Apple through the app store. Amazon Kindle is very popular and beat Apple's iBook with content and ease that makes a lot of users would prefer the Amazon Kindle. But Apple apparently will not allow it for granted. Through their App store take 30% profit margin to turn off from Amazon. Amazon itself has been trying to add links so that consumers can directly transact directly with them.

Of course no one wants to lose, as well as Apple. This reminds us of the year 2009 where Google Voice was also rejected, after previously had received

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