W32/Oficla.FA Virus 'up' Newest

Beware ... W32/Oficla.FA Virus 'up' New New, Never Reset Password up!. Beware, Do not Reset Password up!. There are virus 'up' a new, similar W32/Oficla.FA Bredolab or Pendex. Where there is sugar, there is an ant. The old adage is proven true to this day. The development of social networks like Facebook, which is extraordinary to make 'bad ants' emerging since the mid-2009.
Bredolab or Pendex, Koobface, and other viruses in turns to attack users of social networking. Now there is a new, similar W32/Oficla.FA Bredolab or Pendex.

Beware, Do not Reset Password up! There are virus 'up' a new, similar W32/Oficla.FA Bredolab or Pendex.
The bad news, although initial variant was detected by antivirus at the end of 2009, this virus has the ability to update itself every detected by antivirus. And each time he downloads a virus to infect new on the site that had been prepared.
"A lot of features that allows users, one in common: 'Forgot your password?' Which is very useful for users who have lost or forgotten their account password," said Adi Saputra, security experts from Vaksincom, on katerangannya, May 3, 2010.
"This feature is misused by the virus but Oficla by sending an email containing the attachment size 48KB Zip format to reset passwords," said Adi. "If like that, then you please be careful because it could be you have been subjected to virus attacks up," he said.
If you received this virus, said Adi, not just a scam (email lie) that you receive, but the email contains a virus that will install malicious programs with content that is engineered in such a way that is convincing.
Adi said, the impact of this virus is very inconvenient. "It's not only up your password which can be lost, but by running this virus, you have given access to all the credentials (username and password) on your computer," said Adi.
Credit card data and other financial data that have or will you use for online transactions, will be owned by the creator of the virus.
"Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid this virus is not easy to believe what came in the mail because everything can be falsified," said Adi. "Never mind the message, image or background that can be made as closely as possible with the site up, the sender (from) can also be faked as if the administrator up," he said.
You are receiving this email, you should immediately delete it to avoid things that are not desired. For those who already click on an attachment in an email from the 'up' is, one way to clean the virus is here.
It is better if you continue to update your antivirus program

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