You want to change or convert any file quickly and easily?
You can use Media Convert. Media Convert application able to covert all types of files online on the Internet, so no need to install it. Media-Convert also provides File Hosting, Website Screenshot, and Send File To Mobile or send files directly to mobile phones.
The format file can be converted include:
* Format Archives, among others: 7Z, BZ2, BZA, CAB, GZ, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TGZ, YZ1, ZIP.
* Movie Format, among others: 3G2, 3GP, AMV, ASF, ASX, AVI, DPG, DV, FLI, FLV, GIF, GVI, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPG, NSV, OGG, OGM, RM, RPL, SWF , VOB, WMV.
Image formats, among others: AVS, BMP, CIN, DCX, DIB, DPX, FITS, GIF, ICO, JFIF, JIF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, MIFF, OTB, P7, PALM, PAM, PBM.
* Format Sound, including: WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, MP4, 3GP.
* Text Format, including: DOC, ODT, OTT, sxw, STW, TXT, PDF, RTF, HTM, HTML.
* Data Format, among others, XLS, OTS, ODS, DIF, STC, DBF.
Tips and tricks computer using Media Convert are as follows: 1. Go to page 2. Click "Upload File" to convert and click Browse to locate the file 3. Click OK, and click the Go To Next Step. 4. Determine the type / format of the output desired by selecting the pulldown menu "Output File Type". 5. Click OK, click Start, and you will see progressnya. 6. Then click on New Conversion And LINK URL will appear where you can download from conversion to a PC computer, and complete.
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