Cisco Routing Basic [Part 1]

Routing, is a process for forwarding network packets from one network to another through an internetwork. Routing can also refer to a method of combining multiple networks so that data packets can be landed from one network to the next. To do this, is used a device called a router network. Routers will receive packets addressed to a network outside the first network, and will forward packets it receives to other routers until the destination. [Source: Wikipedia]
Since we already know what the intent ¬ °, Ä † with routing and how it works. Now we just go to routingny device, which in Seb Utut with the route. Router that we use today are Cisco routers. Why do I use a cisco router? because the Cisco router that is now being used by the people and also I can only condigure cisco router talaga. If others still have not stroked stroked me: D.
Well we just started our router ngoprek event. First thing you should do is stick our router to the computer. So now we try to menghubungkan2 computers and 2 routers. but for now I can only explain to explain the steps how to connect 2 routers earlier. Because right now we learn the basic material first.
Once the router is plugged in properly sekar ang you get to the HyperTerminal that is in the Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal. Try to get into the HyperTerminal program. Once signed in you will be asked about the name of the router configuration we will use, for example, you input the name of the route. Kemaudian you click OK to continue. Then she will ask where to connect the HyperTerminal want in this section useing Connecting you choose in the port where the router at the input, for example you select the COM3, then you click OK to continue. Later in this section you just click restore defaults and click ok. Then after that will appear a few lines of text and you press enter to start our struggle on the part of Cisco oprek this.
Ga OK we have now at length you are logged into the router's command, a place where you could configure your router. You are now in a position of the user mode, user mode it's just a regular user that ga can you make a configuration: D. if you want your configuration in required to enter into privileged mode, the user who holds a full Kenda on the cisco router. To enter the privileged mode dalah you just type enable and press enter, then you will go into privileged mode. See appeasement user mode and privileged mode:

User mode:
privileged mode:
Router #
So the difference is only at the end of the course, if the user mode using the sign (>) while using sign (#).¬¨, Privilaged mode Ä † Berikutanya I will just explain briefly about the configuration of the router, I will only explain langkah2 only. If it is too hard to type it detile me too. : D
Replace Hostname [router name]:

Router> enable
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) #
Router (config) # hostname router1
router1 (config) #
Give your router password:

router1 (config) # enable password CCNA
router1 (config) # enable secret cisco
Give your router IP:

router1 (config) # interface Ethernet0
router1 (config-if) # ip address
router1 (config-if) # no shutdown
* Since you are using 2 ports so now directly edit its port serial 0
router1 (config-if) # int s0
router1 (config-if) # ip address
router1 (config-if) # no shut
Try to exit and enter again into your router, as well as test untunk your password:

router1 (config-if) # ctrl-z
router1 #
router1 # logout
* Log in again
router1> enable
password: cisco
router1 #
Checking the status or condition of each interface that has the configuration:

router1 # show ip interface brief
* If you want a more detile type:
router1 # show interfaces
Knowing that the active configuration in DRAM (dynamic random access memory):

router1 # show running-config
Knowing the configuration file that is stored in the NVRAM:

router1 # show startup-config
Copying a configuration that has been active in the NVRAM:

router1 # copy running-config startup-config
Try now check NVRAMnya:

router1 # show startup-config
Untu know what type of router that we use:

router1 # show version
To find out what protocols are installed on the router we:

router1 # show protocols
Now we go into the router 2, so I do not need anymore jelasin yes. I just love the steps are:

Router> enable
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) #
Router (config) # hostname ccna2
router2 (config) # enable secret cisco
* Because that is in use is the Fast Ethernet so the other religions here:
router2 (config) # interface Fa 0 / 0
router2 (config-if) # ip address
router2 (config-if) # no shut
router2 (config-if) # ctrl-z
router2 # show ip interface brief
* Then you do the ping to router1 from Fast Ethernet to Ethernet which is on router1 (
router2 # ping
Must until successful. If you are not back from the beginning. If successful the information will come out is rich gini:

router2 # ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5 / 5), round-trip min / avg / max = 1/2/4 ms
if it fails and you must repeat the configuration is kaya gini:

router1 # ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
... ..
Success rate is 0 percent (0 / 5), round-trip min / avg / max = 1/2/4 ms

To Be Continued .... (Waiting To Cisco Routing Basic [Part 2] :)

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