Obtained Position 10 Great First Search Engine SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization or the science of optimizing your website / blog so that dicrawl or indexed by a robot / spider. About 80% of the world's Internet users utilize Search Engines (our language: the search engine) that is still free. The remaining people know the information from news sites, advertisements, personal and corporate blogs and others. Then, what are the steps? Hm ... this is difficult. More precisely is difficult-difficult easy. It is difficult if not understand, easy to understand and apply when it's. You must understand what it is and Optimization Optimization OnPage offpage.
First, Optimization OnPage. That means your website in the optimization of pagenya / pages. The basic principle is this:
Title page, it means that your page title should be written with your target keywords. Placement title page was in the Head (), before the body () in the header of your website.
Domain Name / where the file / file name, this means the domain name you use should match the keywords you want to go. For example: http://www.kerajinan-murah.com, http://www.palapa.web.id/kerajinan-murah.html,, http://www.palapa.web.id/toko/kerajinan-murah . html, etc..
Meta Tags, for the placement of meta tags are usually placed after the Title (. The writing must be careful, do not there is repetition of words. For example, would target the keyword "cheap craft" not to be repeated so: craft cheap, cheap crafts, the cheaper rajinan .... and so on. It could even be considered spam by the Search Engine.
Contents page, the header tags. Search Engine pleased with the header tags to title page H1 and H2 for the subtitle. Bold, italic, and underline; he said hell could also affect the SERP.
Original content, well, that this is difficult. For some people, including myself who can not write much because of limited time, usually using a step that can be kicked (banned) Search Engine: copy and paste. Hehehe ... So, as much as possible, make the articles as much as possible and seasli-original. If I need to summarize also no problem. The important thing is not to copy and paste without any edits, let alone without including the source. This clearly violates ethics surf. Do not claim that it made writing your own.
Related links. This is commonly called a link exchange or barter links. For example, my website about the 'craft cheap' and Yanto's blog about the keyword 'craft', then we both can exchange links. But not to most, will instead be considered spam. Max 25 links on one page / web page.
Footer page, ie links that lead to our web page located at the very bottom of our website. It also greatly affect (personal experience). So, if you want to exchange links (link exchange) mainstreamed in the footer only.
Then another form of optimization is the optimization offpage. Its purpose is to optimize your web link on another site. Simply this, when you link mounted on a crowded site visitors, whether necessarily affect the traffic to your site? Of course it does. Your site visitors will be crowded. And Search Engine will be glad to sites visited by people. You can put your website link in the web directories, free classified ads lively visitors, website autopinger, and so forth. Let you visit my blog (www.arhan.web.id), there are a list of free classified ads, web directories and other tips.

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